About Me

I am an Australian-based designer that loves illustration and print design. I have over 10 years of experience working within the print industry, collecting a deep understanding of print practices, colour management, silkscreen colour separation and product design.

A t-shirt design made for a Down syndrome awareness cause based in the US (2013)

My love for illustration started from the day I picked up a pencil. Often I was chastised for drawing more than studying during my early school years. This led to a deep love for illustration. I started by copying Japanese anime cartoons at a young age, signing off my work with the moniker “JoJo” which was the first two letters of my first and middle name. Over time I started to try all types of styles and began to branch out, attempting various art styles, including a small dip into Art Nouveau.

Circa 2008 & 2007 respectively
Circa 2006

Eventually, I found digital art when I started attending tertiary studies. This catapulted me into a whole new world of art and I love it. If you want to keep up to date with me you can follow me on Instagram and head over to my Work page to see the latest projects I have completed.